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Making sure the office is clean will keep everyone healthy

Most of us would say that a clean environment is important to us. However, we’d also say that we don’t have time for office cleaning. After all, we come to the office to work, not to clean! Having someone in the office picking up the trash once a week is great, but the problem may not be that simple.

Employee Entering Office Door

How Clean?

What about the surfaces that are touched most often? Take a moment to imagine how many people touch your office’s front door handle in one day. Now multiply that by millions of germs are on each person’s hand. Multiply again by the number of days since that handle was cleaned… Now you have a picture of what’s lurking in an unclean office and it’s not just the front door handle. A small office may not have a lot of employees but every morning each person shows up with a new batch of bacteria and viruses from outside sources.

Surface Cleaning

When common surfaces like desks, telephones and handles are left unclean it allows bacteria and viruses to linger and grow. This can be a real problem that you can’t even see. When most people think about cleaning they think of dirt or dust. The bigger issue, however, comes from leaving microorganisms on a surface for long periods of time.

Office Cleaning and Sick Days

There has been a lot of research indicating the relation between common working spaces and employee sick days. The closer people work together, the more likely they are to spread germs. Be honest. How many days of the year have you gone into the office an wondered if you were fighting a cold? While you may not feel that bad, this is the point where you are most contagious. Nobody appreciates an employee spreading a cold to others. Even if your body can fight it off, others may be more susceptible to get a full blow cold. The Ontario Ministry of Labour expects that employers will do everything possible to protect the well being of its employees. Close work environments can lead to the quick spread of disease. That is why cleaning the office regularly is vitally important to reducing the number of employees sick days!

Portrait of a sick entrepreneur blowing in a wipe at office with a lot of used wipes on the desk


Whether your office has a lot of visitors or not, it makes sense to have a clean dust-free environment. Is an office with dusty shelves and dirty floors impressive? Of coarse not. It’s all about the impression we are giving both to employees and to our guests. Next, to our homes, the office is where most of us spend the rest of our time. Why not keep the environment as clean and subsequently as healthy as possible to give a great impression!

Time For A Good Office Cleaning

It’s clear that it’s important to keep our environments clean. It makes sense to hire a professional cleaning company that is committed to coming in regularly. They will not only clean those surfaces that may be responsible for spreading germs around the office but also keep up the image of the office. Studies show that a clean office is a productive one!

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